标题: STING SONGS FROM THE LABYRINTH [打印本页] 作者: 发烧猫 时间: 2014-3-13 17:02 标题: STING SONGS FROM THE LABYRINTH 1:货物名称及数量:如题,就一张。 2:价格:110.00 3:成色:全新 4:物品缺陷及改动:没有 5:三包或保修期:没有 6:卖家所在地:广东省汕头市 7:卖家联系方式:QQ:513193714 电话:13643013587 8:淘宝连接:http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.5.w4002-3819038229.40.ZkOo08&id=19920831471 9:运输方式及运费(人民币): 10:交易优先权(跟帖优先,本地优先,电话优先,其他优先权卖家请事先声明) 11:物品图片或详细描述
STING SONGS FROM THE LABYRINTH 德唱(DG)公司2006年出品,英国产. 内容如下: 1 Walsingham 2 Can She Excuse My Wrongs? 3 "Ryght honorable: as I have bin most bounde unto your honor..." 4 Flow My Tears 5 Have You Seen The Bright Lily Grow 6 "...then in time passing on Mr. Johnson died..." 7 The Most High and Mighty Christianus The Fourth, King of Denmark, His Galliard 8 The Lowest Trees Have Tops 9 "...and accordinge as I desired ther cam a letter..." 10 Fine Knacks For Ladies 11 "...from thence I went to the Landgrave of Hessen..." 12 Fantasy 13 Come, Heavy Sleep 14 Forlorn Hope Fancy 15 "...and from thence I had great desire to see Italy..." 16 Come Again 17 Wilt Tou Unkind Thus Reave Me 18 "...after my departure I caled to mynde our conference..." 19 Weep You No More, Sad Fountains 20 My Lord Willoughby's Welcome Home 21 Clear Or Cloudy 22 "...men say that the Kinge of Spain is making gret preparation..." 23 In Darkness Let Me Dwe