- 131625
- 帖子
- 330
- 精华
- 0
- 积分
- 833
- 阅读权限
- 255
- 在线时间
- 1794 小时
- 注册时间
- 2012-12-29
- 最后登录
- 2016-12-20
- 131625
- 帖子
- 330
- 主题
- 227
- 精华
- 0
- 积分
- 833
- 威望
- 833
- 金钱
- 657 分
- 阅读权限
- 255
- 在线时间
- 1794 小时
- 注册时间
- 2012-12-29
- 最后登录
- 2016-12-20
1:货物名称及数量:如题,就一张。 2:价格:100.00 3:成色:全新 4:物品缺陷及改动:没有 5:三包或保修期:没有 6:卖家所在地:广东省汕头市 7:卖家联系方式:QQ:513193714 电话:13643013587 8:淘宝连接:http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.5.w4002-3819038229.43.fbq2za&id=35362292843 9:运输方式及运费(人民币): 10:交易优先权(跟帖优先,本地优先,电话优先,其他优先权卖家请事先声明) 11:物品图片或详细描述
SONY 出品 内容如下: 1. Pictures at an Exhibition (Kartinki s vïstavski), for orchestra, orchestrated by Ravel: Promenade 2. Pictures at an Exhibition (Kartinki s vïstavski), for orchestra, orchestrated by Ravel: 1. Gnomus 3. Pictures at an Exhibition (Kartinki s vïstavski), for orchestra, orchestrated by Ravel: Promenade 4. Pictures at an Exhibition (Kartinki s vïstavski), for orchestra, orchestrated by Ravel: 2. Il vecchio castello 5. Pictures at an Exhibition (Kartinki s vïstavski), for orchestra, orchestrated by Ravel: Promenade 6.Pictures at an Exhibition (Kartinki s vïstavski), for orchestra,orchestrated by Ravel: 3. Tuileries (Dispute d'enfants après jeux) 7. Pictures at an Exhibition (Kartinki s vïstavski), for orchestra, orchestrated by Ravel: 4. Bydlo 8. Pictures at an Exhibition (Kartinki s vïstavski), for orchestra, orchestrated by Ravel: Promenade 9.Pictures at an Exhibition (Kartinki s vïstavski), for orchestra,orchestrated by Ravel: 5. Ballet des petits poussins dans leurs coqu 10. Pictures at an Exhibition (Kartinki s vïstavski), for orchestra, orchestrated by Ravel: 6. Samuel Goldenberg und Schmuÿle 11.Pictures at an Exhibition (Kartinki s vïstavski), for orchestra,orchestrated by Ravel: 7. Limoges. Le Marché (La Grande Nouvelle) 12. Pictures at an Exhibition (Kartinki s vïstavski), for orchestra, orchestrated by Ravel: 8. Catacombae (Sepulcrum romanum) 13. Pictures at an Exhibition (Kartinki s vïstavski), for orchestra, orchestrated by Ravel: Cum mourtuis in lingua mortua 14.Pictures at an Exhibition (Kartinki s vïstavski), for orchestra,orchestrated by Ravel: 9. La Cabane sur des pattes de poule (Baba-Ya 15. Pictures at an Exhibition (Kartinki s vïstavski), for orchestra, orchestrated by Ravel: 10. La Grande Porte de Kiev 16.Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra (Variations and Fugue on a Themeof Purcell), for speaker ad lib & orchestra, Op. 34: 1. Theme. 17.Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra (Variations and Fugue on a Themeof Purcell), for speaker ad lib & orchestra, Op. 34: Theme (Wo 18.Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra (Variations and Fugue on a Themeof Purcell), for speaker ad lib & orchestra, Op. 34: Theme (Br 19.Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra (Variations and Fugue on a Themeof Purcell), for speaker ad lib & orchestra, Op. 34: Theme (St 20.Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra (Variations and Fugue on a Themeof Purcell), for speaker ad lib & orchestra, Op. 34: Theme (Pe 21.Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra (Variations and Fugue on a Themeof Purcell), for speaker ad lib & orchestra, Op. 34: Theme (tu 22.Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra (Variations and Fugue on a Themeof Purcell), for speaker ad lib & orchestra, Op. 34: 2. Variat 23.Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra (Variations and Fugue on a Themeof Purcell), for speaker ad lib & orchestra, Op. 34: 3. Variat 24.Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra (Variations and Fugue on a Themeof Purcell), for speaker ad lib & orchestra, Op. 34: 4. Variat 25.Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra (Variations and Fugue on a Themeof Purcell), for speaker ad lib & orchestra, Op. 34: 5. Variat 26.Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra (Variations and Fugue on a Themeof Purcell), for speaker ad lib & orchestra, Op. 34: 6. Variat 27.Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra (Variations and Fugue on a Themeof Purcell), for speaker ad lib & orchestra, Op. 34: 7. Variat 28.Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra (Variations and Fugue on a Themeof Purcell), for speaker ad lib & orchestra, Op. 34: 8. Variat 29.Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra (Variations and Fugue on a Themeof Purcell), for speaker ad lib & orchestra, Op. 34: 9. Variat 30.Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra (Variations and Fugue on a Themeof Purcell), for speaker ad lib & orchestra, Op. 34: 10. Varia 31.Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra (Variations and Fugue on a Themeof Purcell), for speaker ad lib & orchestra, Op. 34: 11. Varia 32.Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra (Variations and Fugue on a Themeof Purcell), for speaker ad lib & orchestra, Op. 34: 12. Varia 33.Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra (Variations and Fugue on a Themeof Purcell), for speaker ad lib & orchestra, Op. 34: 13. Varia 34.Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra (Variations and Fugue on a Themeof Purcell), for speaker ad lib & orchestra, Op. 34: 14. Varia 35.Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra (Variations and Fugue on a Themeof Purcell), for speaker ad lib & orchestra, Op. 34: 15. Fugue 36. Night on Bald Mountain (Noch' na Lïsoy gore), symphonic poem, edited by Rimsky-Korsakov